Trying to get all the elements of my company started up has been easier than I thought with your help and expertise. The 1 day turnaround in getting my employer identification number was wonderful. Two thumbs up is all I can say! -- John Perry (Chicago, IL)
As a Canadian trying to start up a business in the United States, I wasn't sure where to start. Your advice and thorough knowledge is greatly appreciated. Thank you for making the process of obtaining an EIN number so simple. -- Maggie Tang (Vancouver, BC)
Not having to acquire an ITIN was a relief! I appreciate how easy you have made the online EIN application forms. The questions that I had were answered promptly and in layman's terms. Superb & extremely fast service. -- Todd Aitchison (Sydney, Australia)
What is an EIN?
An EIN, also known as an employer identification number, is a nine (9) digit number that the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") assigns to identify the tax accounts of businesses and entities. It is assigned in the following format: XX-XXXXXXX.
Are individuals allowed to apply for an EIN (tax ID number)?
It depends. In general, employer ID numbers are for businesses and entities only, unless you are a household employer. Individuals wanting to acquire a US federal tax ID number would apply for a Social Security Number ("SSN"). If an individual is ineligible to apply for a SSN, then he/she would apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number ("ITIN").
Are only US businesses allowed to apply for a business EIN?
No. Any business based in the United States OR based in a foreign country (such as Canada, Mexico, Australia, etc.) doing business in the U.S. is eligible to obtain a business tax ID number if they have a valid reason for applying.
Can any business entity get a business TIN (tax ID number)?
The IRS requires you to have a valid reason when applying for a business tax ID number. Please read over our "Do I Need An EIN?" page to determine if you require a business EIN. If you have an existing business entity with a previously assigned business TIN (tax ID number), and you are not sure if you require a new EIN, please read over our "Do I Need A New EIN?" page for more information on employer ID numbers.
Once I get my EIN (tax ID number), when can I start to use my EIN to file tax returns & make tax payments?
You can use your employer number right away after it is assigned to your business or entity if you are opening a bank account, applying for a business license, or filing a tax return by mail.
If you are filing an electronic return, making an electronic payment, or trying to pass an IRS Taxpayer Identification Number matching program, you will need to wait approximately two (2) weeks. It takes that amount of time for your employer identification number to become part of the IRS's permanent records.
If I am a sole proprietor, do not have any employees & do not need to file any pension & excise tax returns, do I need an EIN (tax ID number)?
No. You do NOT need an EIN (tax ID number). You would use your Social Security Number ("SSN") when filing your IRS tax return.
Do I need a business EIN to open a business bank account in the U.S.?
Yes. You need a business EIN to open a business bank account in the United States.
In additional to opening a bank account in the U.S., when would I be asked for an employer number?
You may be asked to supply your employer number on a business license, permit, or tax registration application.
I am a U.S. non-resident & do not have an SSN or ITIN. Can I still apply for an employer identification number?
As Certifying Acceptance Agents, we can bypass the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number ("ITIN") requirement to help you obtain an employer identification number.
How long does it usually take to get an EIN (tax ID number)?
We aim to be the best in our business. Once we receive your signed online EIN application and your cleared EIN application fee, we can get the IRS to issue you an employer identification number within one (1) business day. It is important to note that applications in which the responsible party does not have a SSN or ITIN will take approximately 4-5 business days.
How long does it take to complete the online EIN application?
We have simplified the online process as best as we can for our clients. It should take you approximately five (5) minutes to complete all the questions on the online EIN application.
Is it secure to send my information to you via the online EIN application form?
Yes, it is completely secure to send your information to us using our online EIN application forms. All the information sent through our EIN application forms are secured with 256-bit encryption GeoTrust SSL certificates. You can click the GeoTrust icon on the bottom left corner of each EIN application form to verify.
What do you charge for your EIN application service?
We charge a fair price of $75 USD per EIN application for U.S. residents with a Social Security Number. For international applicants, we charge $175 USD.
Why do you charge more for U.S. non-residents (international applicants) when helping to apply for an employer identification number?
As Certifying Acceptance Agents, we can help you bypass the ITIN requirement for your EIN application. $175 USD is an extremely fair price in helping you to bypass the ITIN requirement.
Obtaining an ITIN is not the easiest process. ITIN application paperwork is difficult to navigate on your own and requires a lot of documentation.
You could also use the services of a Certifying Acceptance Agent (like ourselves) to help take care of all the details for your ITIN application. The going rate for the services of a Certifying Acceptance Agent to acquire an ITIN can range between $150 USD to $400 USD or more.
In addition, acquiring an ITIN takes at least 6-10 weeks. By using our EIN application services, you can skip the extra costs & wait time of obtaining an ITIN for your EIN application.
Do you price match competitors who charge less than you do?
We price match written quotes or advertised EIN application fees on websites from lawyers, CPAs, Certifying Acceptance Agents, etc.
What type of payment do you accept?
Currently, we accept payment via Paypal. Paypal accepts the following credit cards: Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover. Paypal users with a bank account linked to their Paypal account can also pay by debit or eCheck. Your payment must clear before we acquire an employer identification number on your behalf.
Do I need a Paypal account to pay via Paypal?
No. You do not need a Paypal account to pay via Paypal. When you are at the Paypal payment page, simply click on the "Continue" link under the heading "Don't have a Paypal account?" on the left hand side. Enter in your credit card details after you have completed and signed the online EIN application, and we will receive your payment.
Didn't find an answer to your question? Feel free to contact us anytime about obtaining an EIN (tax ID number).
Our greatest advantage for international EIN applicants is that as Certifying Acceptance Agents we can bypass the ITIN requirement!
Have a question that you don't see the answer to on our website? Contact us for more information on obtaining an EIN number.